Distribution & Tax Information

Distribution Policy

Waypoint REIT’s distribution policy is to distribute 100% of Distributable Earnings. 

Distributable Earnings is a non-statutory measure of profit and is calculated as net profit adjusted to remove transaction costs, specific non-recurring item and non-cash items, including straight-lining of rental income, the amortisation of debt establishment fees and any fair value adjustment to investment properties and derivatives.

Distributable Earnings per security (Distributable EPS) is calculated based on the weighted number of securities on issue during the period.

NTA Apportionment Ratio

Waypoint REIT (WPR) is a stapled security comprising one share in Waypoint REIT Limited (ABN 35 612 986 517) (Company) and one unit in the Waypoint REIT Trust (ARSN 613 146 464) (Trust). The components of WPR cannot be acquired or traded separately.

Investors may be required to apportion the cost base of WPR between the Company and the Trust for capital gains tax purposes.

Apportionment is based on the relative market value of the Company and the Trust at the time of acquisition or disposal. One possible method for determining the relative apportionment of market value is to use the relative net asset value of the Company and the Trust.

The table below outlines the relative proportion and the net asset value of the Company and Trust components of each WPR stapled security.

Waypoint REIT Trust (Trust) Waypoint REIT Limited (Company)
% $ % $
30-Jun-24 99.50% $2.772 0.50% $0.014
31-Mar-24 99.49% $2.711 0.51% $0.014
31-Dec-23 99.49% $2.713 0.51% $0.014
30-Sept-23 99.53% $2.955 0.47% $0.014
30-Jun-23 99.56% $2.960 0.44% $0.013
31-Mar-23 99.57% $2.991 0.43% $0.013
31-Dec-22 99.60% $3.006 0.40% $0.012
30-Jun-22 99.62% $3.170 0.38% $0.012
31-Mar-22 99.76% $2.961 0.24% $0.007
31-Dec-21 99.63% $2.938 0.37% $0.011
30-Sep-21 99.67% $2.741 0.33% $0.009
30-Jun-21 99.67% $2.738 0.33% $0.009
31-Dec-20 99.64% $2.479 0.36% $0.009
30-Jun-20 99.63% $2.376 0.37% $0.009
31-Dec-19 99.96% $2.289 0.04% $0.001
30-Jun-19 99.95% $2.181 0.05% $0.001
31-Dec-18 99.93% $2.196 0.07% $0.002
30-Jun-18 99.91% $2.201 0.09% $0.002
31-Dec-17 99.91% $2.188 0.09% $0.002
30-Jun-17 99.86% $2.078 0.14% $0.003
June 2017 Placement and SPP 99.84% $2.067 0.16% $0.003
31-Dec-16 99.22% $2.055 0.78% $0.016
IPO Date 99.62% $1.992 0.38% $0.008

*This table contains essential information that may assist you in preparing your income tax return. You should seek advice from your tax advisor on the implications and treatment of any information you have used in this document to complete your own tax return.

Information in this document is not intended to be taxation advice nor should it be a substitute for taxation advice.